Healing with Dru

Heal, replenish, balance, and access your inner wisdom and guidance.

Ministering the Soul

A modern walker between worlds and ordained Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counselor, Dru has been communing with Spirit using various modalities to inspire and heal, and ministering to others for over 20 years in the UK and Europe, and North America.

Drawing upon his natural intuitive abilities and training in shamanism, spiritual healing, and mediumship, as well as his professional experience in social care and trauma & addiction recovery, Dru calls his work “Ministering the Soul”. Its goal is to create alchemical changes that affect the inner and outer worlds of the client.

One of the highest callings of a healer is to help guide others to their own divine power, removing the barriers to the light within. Dru uses energy healing and shamanic methods to heal and empower you in your life. This work is designed to bring you clarity and deep healing so that you can fulfill your highest expression, and create the life you want with more joy and fullness of being.

Dru is originally from Portsmouth, in the South of England, but now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the “Land Of Enchantment” with his wife and two daughters.

Shamanic Mediumship The bridge between the mundane and the magical

The Shamanic Medium has the ability to perform two important functions. Firstly, they can connect with spirits and loved ones holding a bridge for communication and healing to occur. This is important for people who want to speak with their loved ones and resolve any unfinished business. The second function is to travel the inner realms to find places of deep wounding, this could be from childhood, or adulthood. Often these events are frozen and affect our well-being. Traveling these realms we can communicate with a multitude of helpful spirits that want to help us heal and be whole again.   

The shamanic medium can help you to connect with the source of the pain and to release it. In these sessions shamanic methods such as soul retrieval and spirit extraction work can be used to assist in healing integration. Healing guides and power allies are also used to complete the healing.

Guidance from the spirits. The spirits can help you to make decisions, to find your purpose in life, and to live a fulfilling life. Connecting to your own team of guides, to help you navigate your life. 

Connection to the spirit world,  Shamanic mediumship can be used to connect with the spirit world, building your own bridge. This can be a powerful experience that can help you to feel more connected to the universe and to your own inner wisdom. Shamanic mediumship can be used to communicate with the spirits of loved ones who have passed away. This can be a comforting and healing experience. Often we have unfinished business with our loved ones who has passed on, communication is a way to complete this business and all parties can move forward, there is also the option of ancestral reverence. This involves maintaining a relationship with our ancestral family.